DoAnn T. Kaneko, Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac.), Doctor of Oriental Medicine (O.M.D), Ph.D. in Oriental Medicine, is a founder and Academic Director for Eastern Education at the Shiatsu Massage School of California.
Dr. Kaneko was born and raised in Japan. A graduate of Saint Paul Rikkyo University (1970), Toyo Acupuncture College (1979), and SAMRA University & Health Sciences (1985), he is a second generation practitioner of his family's traditional healing art practice: Anma Massage (Meridian Anma) and acupuncture. He also interned at Koundo, the clinic of Dr.Ishino in Tokyo. Kaneko Sensei’s employment, qualification, publication are extensive in the fields of Acupressure, Shiatsu-Anma, Doin, acupuncture, moxibustion, Oriental exercises and Chinese herbs. He is an acupuncture diplomat from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and senior instructor of the American Organization for Bodywork Therapists of Asia. |
He is an author of the book called “DoAnn’s Doin –Healing ourselves” and also he published the book called “Shiatsu and Anma Therapy – DoAnn’s Short & Long Form” (2004).
Master Kaneko developed, introduced, and established the "Short Form” of Shiatsu treatment technique based on Dr. Serizawa's definition and the "Long Form" of popular Anma massage therapy in Japan. This is the style taught at the Shiatsu Massage School of California. Now he is interested to educate the healing arts for children in the family thorough a new picture book called “The Bamboo Princess and the Music Hands Man.”
He has practiced and taught the healing arts in Japan and the U.S. since 1970. Some of the center ha has worked are at Shiatsu Dojo & Yoga Ananda Ashram (1975-76 ), Tao Healing Arts Center in Soho, N.Y.(1979-81), Santa Barbara College of Acupuncture(1982), California Acupuncture College(1984) and Shiatsu Massage School of California in Santa Monica(1982- present).
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